About Us

Bryce Canyon National Park
Utah 2011

Let me introduce myself. My name is Allison. I live near Salt Lake City, Utah. I am a stay-at-home mom with two children: a daughter (age 8) and a son (age 5). I am married to the best husband ever. Together, we love to get out of the house and experience the world.

Mount Rushmore
South Dakota 2011
When I say "experience the world", I don't mean to say that I've seen as much of it as I would like. I wish I was one of those travel bloggers who writes about taking the family to exotic locales in far-flung places. We live on a budget and we do not carry credit card debt and we save for "big" vacations. A big vacation for us is usually an out-of-state road trip and we do that about once a year. For milestone anniversaries, my husband and I have been on a couple of Caribbean cruises and have really enjoyed those trips too. We hope to take the whole family on a tropical vacation before too long. We often research and talk about places all over the world that we would like to visit and I think that opportunities will come our way to see some of them as long as we are looking and planning for them.

We believe that having experiences and making memories as a family is what makes life worthwhile. Once a year is just not enough, so we have become pretty good at travelling within the State of Utah and being tourists in our own hometown. We go away on long-weekend vacations several times per year - usually to the spectacular scenery of Southern Utah - and we do field trips to attractions in the Salt Lake City area at least once or twice per month. Lots of these places are free or inexpensive. I think that everyone can get out of the house and make memories as a family, regardless of income, if it is a priority.

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